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Netflix (NFLX) stock consensus forecasts for the month and 2024 - 2028.

Last update: 10/16/2024, 12:18 AM

Brief information about Netflix, Inc.

Ticker: NFLX

Closing price of the last trading day: $705.98

Last trading day: 10/15/2024

Analyst forecast price: $472.22

52-week high/low: $500.89 / $285.33

Shares of Netflix, Inc. are traded on the stock exchange under the ticker NFLX and belong to the "Communication services" sector. The head office is currently located at: 100 WINCHESTER CIRCLE, ., LOS GATOS, CA, US. The market capitalization of Netflix is $205 053 084 000. At the same time, the number of shares in circulation is 437 680 000. The company's earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation for last year (called EBITDA) was 6 371 565 000$. The company has a good profit. The PE ratio according to the latest reporting is at around 46.76. P/E shows the investor how many years his investment in this business pays off. That is, investments in Netflix shares will pay off in about 47 years. A very long payback period of investments, shares should be considered not as an investment idea, but as a speculative one.

In addition to fundamental factors, stocks are influenced by many other factors. For example, it is worth monitoring all global forecasts for Netflix shares. Our service will help you with this, in which we collect all forecasts and build one consensus forecast from them.

Netflix stock forecast

For investing in Netflix stock, the investor is interested in the long-term outlook. We have collected for you all the forecasts of world analysts for the shares of this company and combined them into one consensus forecast for 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028?

After studying the forecasts, we can answer the questions:

How much will one share of Netflix cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028?

What is the consensus analyst forecast for Netflix stock?

Should you buy Netflix stock short term or long term?

Should I sell Netflix shares in 2024 or wait?

Should I buy Netflix stock in 2024 or wait?

Where is the estimated entry/exit point in Netflix stock?

But remember, these forecasts are not investment ideas. You are fully responsible for the decisions you make.

How is a forecast made?

We collect public data about Netflix and analyst forecasts for Netflix stock. Next, the algorithms calculate a weighted average forecast, removing extreme values. As a result, at the output we get an updated forecast, as close as possible to reality.

Netflix daily forecast for a month

After collecting analysts' forecasts, we made one average daily forecast for Netflix shares for the next month. Short-term forecasts are characterized by rather low accuracy due to many factors influencing them. But let's see what we got.

Below on the page is a graph of the consensus forecast for Netflix stock for the next month. (30 days). The gray color on the chart shows the historical price of the stock. The turquoise color shows the price forecast with a possible range of fluctuations.

The maximum target price that Netflix shares will reach in the next 30 days is $742.77. This is the upper limit of the target price range. This represents upside potential of 5.21% from current levels.

In turn, the minimum value that the price can reach in 30 days is $537.04. From the current price, the drop will be 31.46%.

Thus, on the monthly timeframe, a channel is formed with a resistance level of $742.77 and a support level of $537.04. The width of this channel is $205.72. Accordingly, according to the theory of technical analysis, a downward breakdown of the channel will open the way to $331. If the resistance level is broken, then the road to $948 per share of Netflix will open.

What is the probability of exiting the channel up? Near the resistance level, the price of Netflix shares will be 3 days out of the entire period. Therefore, Netflix stock has a good chance of breaking through the resistance level in the next 30 days or in the next period. It is worth considering that if stocks break through the $742.77 resistance level and try to gain a foothold above it, then in the future they will most likely test this level from above and if the $742.77 mark holds, then this will be a new channel with new goals.

How about testing the strength of the support level? The price will stay near the support level for 3 days. There is a good chance that the stock will break through the $537.04 support level.

In addition, the real future price of one Netflix share can be both higher and lower than the target forecast price, but approximately in the range between the pessimistic and optimistic target price.

Forecast table for 30 days
Date Target Pes. Opt. Vol., %
Oct 18 717.45 702.38 736.39 4.84
Oct 19 709.27 695.22 739.06 6.30
Oct 20 673.95 663.84 682.03 2.74
Oct 21 692.95 684.63 714.57 4.37
Oct 22 691.70 663.90 715.36 7.75
Oct 23 674.69 647.97 683.19 5.44
Oct 24 661.73 632.75 676.03 6.84
Oct 25 651.81 629.91 678.01 7.64
Oct 26 640.47 614.72 666.21 8.38
Oct 27 630.86 606.63 656.60 8.24
Oct 28 614.20 602.41 632.26 4.96
Oct 29 643.69 627.85 651.80 3.81
Oct 30 656.04 627.31 674.94 7.59
Oct 31 640.30 620.71 667.96 7.61
Nov 01 621.86 613.65 632.68 3.10
Nov 02 615.89 598.15 632.89 5.81
Nov 03 602.59 578.72 627.17 8.37
Nov 04 590.29 567.98 603.40 6.24
Nov 05 572.58 549.91 590.45 7.37
Nov 06 559.19 537.04 567.24 5.62
Nov 07 569.92 543.59 579.15 6.54
Nov 08 570.26 551.79 587.37 6.45
Nov 09 579.16 557.27 600.71 7.79
Nov 10 610.09 595.45 625.46 5.04
Nov 11 616.31 604.48 624.82 3.36
Nov 12 643.67 634.02 664.53 4.81
Nov 13 640.20 625.22 663.63 6.14
Nov 14 654.80 630.44 668.15 5.98
Nov 15 673.26 649.02 703.15 8.34
Nov 16 660.33 644.09 676.58 5.04

Netflix Stock Forecast 18 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/18/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $702.38 - $736.39. A $34.01 range width can provide 4.84% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $717.45, which is $2.15 higher than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 19 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/19/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $695.22 - $739.06. A $43.83 range width can provide 6.30% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $709.27, which is $8.18 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 20 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/20/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $663.84 - $682.03. A $18.20 range width can provide 2.74% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $673.95, which is $35.32 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 21 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/21/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $684.63 - $714.57. A $29.94 range width can provide 4.37% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $692.95, which is $19.01 higher than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 22 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/22/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $663.90 - $715.36. A $51.46 range width can provide 7.75% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $691.70, which is $1.25 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 23 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/23/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $647.97 - $683.19. A $35.22 range width can provide 5.44% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $674.69, which is $17.02 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 24 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/24/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $632.75 - $676.03. A $43.28 range width can provide 6.84% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $661.73, which is $12.95 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 25 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/25/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $629.91 - $678.01. A $48.10 range width can provide 7.64% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $651.81, which is $9.93 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 27 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/27/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $606.63 - $656.60. A $49.96 range width can provide 8.24% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $630.86, which is $9.61 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 28 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/28/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $602.41 - $632.26. A $29.85 range width can provide 4.96% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $614.20, which is $16.65 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 29 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/29/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $627.85 - $651.80. A $23.95 range width can provide 3.81% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $643.69, which is $29.48 higher than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 30 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/30/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $627.31 - $674.94. A $47.63 range width can provide 7.59% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $656.04, which is $12.36 higher than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 31 Oct.

Presumably, on 10/31/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $620.71 - $667.96. A $47.25 range width can provide 7.61% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $640.30, which is $15.75 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 01 Nov.

Presumably, on 11/01/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $613.65 - $632.68. A $19.03 range width can provide 3.10% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $621.86, which is $18.44 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 02 Nov.

Presumably, on 11/02/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $598.15 - $632.89. A $34.74 range width can provide 5.81% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $615.89, which is $5.97 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 03 Nov.

Presumably, on 11/03/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $578.72 - $627.17. A $48.45 range width can provide 8.37% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $602.59, which is $13.30 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 04 Nov.

Presumably, on 11/04/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $567.98 - $603.40. A $35.42 range width can provide 6.24% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $590.29, which is $12.29 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 05 Nov.

Presumably, on 11/05/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $549.91 - $590.45. A $40.54 range width can provide 7.37% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $572.58, which is $17.71 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Netflix Stock Forecast 06 Nov.

Presumably, on 11/06/2024, the price of shares will be in the range of $537.04 - $567.24. A $30.20 range width can provide 5.62% volatility. The weighted average price of this range is at $559.19, which is $13.40 lower than the previous day's weighted average price.

Read more

Netflix monthly stock forecast for 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028.

Table of forecasts for 2024.
Month Target Pes. Opt. Vol., %
Nov. 788.08 728.66 858.77 15.15
Dec. 771.69 704.47 844.92 16.62

Now let's look at the monthly consensus forecast for this year and beyond. The forecast is also based on the forecasts of world analysts, which are in the public domain. Forecasts for the year are medium-term and less dependent on external factors, and therefore more accurate than daily forecasts.

This year, the maximum possible price per Netflix share is projected at $858.77. Peak forecasts from some agencies, which vary greatly in price, we have omitted.

The minimum levels for Netflix shares for this year are $704.47.

Similarly, we calculated the consensus forecasts for the coming years, which are summarized in tables for convenience.

Netflix (NFLX) Monthly Stock Prediction for 2025

Table of forecasts for 2025.
Month Target Pes. Opt. Vol., %
Jan 818.84 790.10 862.48 8.39
Feb 754.97 693.14 789.32 12.19
Mar 804.04 724.60 845.85 14.33
Apr 876.16 841.99 912.61 7.74
May 947.92 857.96 972.57 11.78
Jun 975.03 929.40 1 030.80 9.84
Jul 1 016.86 942.83 1 052.55 10.42
Aug 1 048.59 951.80 1 088.12 12.53
Sep 968.16 882.57 1 060.04 16.74
Oct 902.71 876.89 964.91 9.12
Nov 927.36 835.73 958.70 12.83
Dec 1 021.39 957.66 1 127.61 15.07

Netflix (NFLX) Monthly Stock Prediction for 2026

Table of forecasts for 2026.
Month Target Pes. Opt. Vol., %
Jan 1 045.29 1 011.32 1 149.92 12.05
Feb 985.50 931.69 1 068.77 12.83
Mar 947.07 851.03 1 040.64 18.22
Apr 969.23 902.45 1 007.03 10.39
May 1 059.95 952.47 1 121.95 15.11
Jun 1 046.17 944.17 1 093.77 13.68
Jul 1 044.81 963.31 1 078.76 10.70
Aug 1 070.61 989.89 1 099.84 10.00
Sep 1 006.59 937.24 1 106.04 15.26
Oct 972.57 872.69 1 071.19 18.53
Nov 968.78 868.02 1 036.78 16.28
Dec 1 026.71 937.28 1 078.76 13.11

Netflix (NFLX) Monthly Stock Prediction for 2027

Table of forecasts for 2027.
Month Target Pes. Opt. Vol., %
Jan 1 110.80 1 074.69 1 161.34 7.46
Feb 1 058.81 1 003.75 1 133.14 11.42
Mar 1 126.26 1 072.08 1 240.46 13.57
Apr 1 035.48 995.10 1 118.94 11.07
May 1 096.06 987.77 1 170.15 15.59
Jun 1 117.43 1 018.65 1 226.38 16.94
Jul 1 047.70 959.17 1 091.29 12.11
Aug 1 166.20 1 120.71 1 199.55 6.57
Sep 1 217.74 1 092.68 1 284.23 14.92
Oct 1 146.50 1 048.13 1 209.10 13.31
Nov 1 195.69 1 100.87 1 232.99 10.72
Dec 1 287.40 1 237.19 1 377.77 10.20

Netflix (NFLX) Monthly Stock Prediction for 2028

Table of forecasts for 2028.
Month Target Pes. Opt. Vol., %
Jan 1 230.50 1 161.71 1 358.47 14.48
Feb 1 097.73 992.12 1 154.81 14.09
Mar 999.26 907.03 1 026.54 11.64
Apr 1 051.22 956.93 1 155.08 17.16
May 1 068.99 975.88 1 106.51 11.81
Jun 1 088.44 1 058.73 1 198.81 11.68
Jul 1 159.19 1 043.16 1 223.99 14.77
Aug 1 177.27 1 077.79 1 236.96 12.87
Sep 1 158.91 1 041.40 1 264.37 17.63
Oct 1 228.21 1 148.38 1 325.61 13.37
Nov 1 228.21 1 106.86 1 263.34 12.39
Dec 1 173.92 1 115.93 1 221.23 8.62

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All submitted consensus forecasts are exposed to get acquainted with the algorithm for collecting forecasts and bringing them to a single whole. The portal is not responsible for the loss of your money in the stock market as a result of using the information contained on the site.